Board of Directors

Meeting Schedules

All 2024 meetings will take place at the Sam and Martha Gibbons Alumni Center, unless otherwise noted.


Board of Directors' Meetings:
July 12 | 2 - 5 p.m.
Oct. 18 | 1 – 3 p.m.
Jan. 10, 2025 | 1 - 4 p.m. (Location TBD)
April 11, 2025 | 1 - 4 p.m.

Committee Meetings:
Inclusion Committee Meeting
July 17 | 5 - 6 p.m.



Sally Dee, ’94 and MBA ’11

Vice Chair

Juan Soltero '10

Past Chair

Christine Turner '97


Mark Giddarie MS '17 and DBA '21


Balaji Ramadoss, MSEE ’03 and PhD ’14


Misty Akers, ’01 
Kerine Black, ’00 and ’01
Maya Brown, ’15
Ashley Butler, ’12
Emily Colon, ’10 and MPA ’14 
Jennifer Condon

Sara DuCuennois, ’99 
Mark Giddarie, MS ’17 and DBA ’21 
David Hollis, ’69
Gina Kafalas, ’12
Ram Kancharla, ’85 and MBA ’88 
Maja Lacevic, ’09

Allison Madden, ’03 and MBA ’15
Diana Michel, ’88 
Will Perez, ’14
Luz Randolph, ’06 and MEd ’08
Todd St. John-Fulton, ’19
Verlon Salley, 1994-97

Student Representatives

Sean Schrader
USF Ambassadors

Elizabeth Volmy
Student Government Vice President

Ex-Officio Directors

Jay Stroman
Senior Vice President of Advancement & Alumni Affairs and USF Foundation CEO

Bill McCausland, MBA ’96
Vice President and USF Alumni Association Executive Director

USF Alumni Board of Directors Chairs

Braulio Colón
Braulio Colón, '03 & MPA '10
Chair, 2023

Monique Hayes
Monique Hayes, '01 
Chair, 2022

Randy Norris
Randy Norris, '79
Chair, 2019

Merritt Martin
Merritt Martin, `04, `06
Chair, 2018

April Monteith
April Monteith, `01, `03
Chair, 2017

Jim Harvey
Jim Harvey, `88
Chair, 2016

Betty Otter-Nickerson
Betty Otter-Nickerson, `76
Chair, 2015

Mike Griffin
Mike Griffin, '03
Chair, 2014

Monty Weigel
Monty Weigel, '76
Chair, 2013

Kimberly Choto
Kimberly Choto, '92
Chair, 2012

Structure, Elections and Responsibilities

The Organization

The USF Alumni Association (USFAA) aims to build relationships between the University of South Florida and its graduates across the globe. The USFAA is a direct support organization of USF and operates as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.

The USFAA is governed by a Board of Directors, which sets policy and guides the direction of the association as it builds mutually beneficial relationships among USF and its alumni. The Board works with professional staff who recommend policies to the Board and implement alumni programs, services and communications.

Election to the Board

The Nominations Committee recommends a slate of candidates for election to the Board each year. The board year coincides with the fiscal year, July 1 – June 30.

The board represents the perspectives of many alumni constituents. Therefore, the USFAA seeks diverse representation in class years, colleges, geographic location, traditional and non-traditional experiences, undergraduate and graduate experiences, professions, graduates of regional campuses, ethnicity and gender.

Every board member must be a Life Member of the USF Alumni Association and is required to make an annual Circle of Excellence donation.

Role and Responsibility of the Directors

Each director brings a unique perspective to the board that helps determine the best course for the organization. Board members make policy decisions that establish how the association fulfills its mission of serving USF graduates. Directors work with university leadership by providing the alumni perspective on key issues. They serve as ambassadors for the organization in their workplaces and communities and participate in board meetings, committee meetings and other USFAA and university events.

An insurance policy covers the board members for board decisions. The USFAA purchases liability insurance for all of its events.

Time Commitment

The Board of Directors meets four times each year: in the summer (July), fall (Homecoming), winter (January) and spring (April). The board's work is performed through its committees, and each member is asked to serve on at least one committee.

Board Committees

  • Advocacy 
  • Awards 
  • Compensation
  • Diversity
  • Executive
  • Finance
  • Governance
  • Membership
  • Nominations 
  • Signature Event

Board members are invited to attend several USFAA and university events yearly. Participation in these events is optional and based on the individual board member’s availability.

Staff Liaison

The Vice President and Executive Director of the Alumni Association is the primary staff liaison for board members.